Industry news

New selling points of cushion materials: fire safety and chemical environmental protection

2022-12-06 14:56:21

California Senate Act 1019 - Flame Retardant Chemicals Labelling Act for Cushion Furniture Materials

Flame retardants are widely used in cushion furniture materials. These flame retardant chemicals migrate from furniture or other products, accompanied by air or micro-particles in the home or workplace, which may cause consumers to come into contact with or ingest these chemicals. Some of these flame-retardant chemicals have bioaccumulative effects and harmful effects on human beings or animals.

With the development of technology, using or not using flame retardants, products are likely to meet the requirements of California Technical Act TB 117. But consumers can't tell if flame retardants are added to the products.

Consumers hope to have the right to know so that they can buy products that are not only in line with fire safety, but also in line with the friendly chemical environment, for the health of themselves and their families, as well as for the safety of firefighters.

Therefore, Senate Bill 1019 (SB1019) requires that upholstered furniture must have a clear label to declare that the product meets fire safety standards and contains flame retardant chemicals.

SB1019 label will become the latest selling point of cushion furniture and cushion materials